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Table of keyboard shortcuts

ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOMEEmacsVim
File menuAlt+For F10 then FCtrl+F2then F
(requires full keyboard access active;
> System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access > All Controls.
Alternatively use Ctrl+F7 to toggle this setting.)
Alt+FMeta+`then fAlt+f (gvim)
or Ctrl+e (vim + NERDTree)
Edit menuAlt+ECtrl+F2then EAlt+EMeta+`then eAlt+e (gvim)
View menuAlt+VCtrl+F2then VAlt+V
Undo the last operationCtrl+Zor
⌘ Cmd+ZCtrl+ZCtrl+xthen u or
Ctrl+/ or
Ctrl+_ or
Redo the last operationCtrl+YorShift+Alt+Backspace⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+Z⇧ Shift+Ctrl+Zor Ctrl+YSame as undo, when undo is exhausted, it redoes. Move the cursor after one or more undos, and further undos will be redos.Ctrl+r
Cut the selection and store it in the clipboardCtrl+X⌘ Cmd+XCtrl+XCtrl+wx
or "ax to cut in register "a" or "+x to cut in system clipboard
Copy the selection into the clipboardCtrl+Cor Ctrl+Ins⌘ Cmd+CCtrl+CMeta+wor Ctrl+Insy
or "ay or "+y
Paste contents of clipboard at cursorCtrl+V,or ⇧ Shift+Ins⌘ Cmd+VCtrl+VCtrl+yor ⇧ Shift+Insp
or "ap to paste the content of the "a" register or "+p to paste the content of the system clipboard
Paste specialCtrl+Alt+VShift+Opt+Cmd+VCtrl+⇧ Shift+VMeta+y
Select all in focused control or windowCtrl+A⌘ Cmd+ACtrl+ACtrl+xthen hggVG, unlikely ever needed as most command take an optional range parameter.% means "all in focused windows" here so e.g. to copy all the text, use :%y
Cycle through installed keyboard languages / input methods⇧ Shift+Altor⊞ Win+Space
The latter displays a menu with the currently selected input method highlighted, and debuted in Windows 8.
Cmd+Space (not MBR)
Configure desired keypress inKeyboard and Mouse Preferences,Keyboard ShortcutsSelect the next source in Input menu.
Ctrl+Alt+K via KDE Keyboard
⇧ Shift+Alt in GNOME


ActionWindowsMac OSKDE/GNOME
New browser window with same page as currentCtrl+N
(for both explorer.exe and iexplore.exe)
New folderCtrl+⇧ Shift+N⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+NCtrl+⇧ Shift+N
Applications menu⊞ Win or
Ctrl+F2then "n"
(requires full keyboard access active, using > System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access > All Controls.
Alternatively use Ctrl+F7 to toggle this setting.)
e.g. for _File_ Alt+F
Lock desktop⊞ Win+LCtrl+⇧ Shift+Eject or MBR Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Pwr
(If "Require password after sleep or screen saver" is enabled in "System Preferences — Security & Privacy")
Show desktop⊞ Win+D or
⊞ Win+M, then use ⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+Mto bring back all windows)
Log out user⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+QCtrl+Alt+Delete
Switch active user⊞ Win+L
Task managerCtrl+⇧ Shift+Esc,
Ctrl+Alt+Delete++++↵ Enter
Alt+⌘ Cmd+EscCtrl+Esc
Rename objectF2↵ Enter or F2F2
Open file or program↵ Enter or ⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⌘ Cmd+O or ⌘ Cmd+↵ Enter
Switch window (next/previous)Alt+Tab ↹ /
⇧ Shift+Alt+Tab ↹
⌘ Cmd+Tab ↹ /
⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+Tab ↹
Ctrl+Tab ↹ /
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹
Switch window without dialog (next/previous)Alt+Esc /
⇧ Shift+Alt+Esc
Only works within single Applications
⌘ Cmd+` / ⌘ Cmd+~
Ctrl+Esc /
⇧ Shift+Ctrl+Esc
Run application⊞ Win, enter executable name or
⊞ Win+R, enter executable name
⌘ Cmd+Space, enter executable nameAlt+F2, enter executable name
Search⊞ Win, enter executable name or
⊞ Win+F or F3
⌘ Cmd+Space /

Power management[edit]

ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOME
Place computer into sleep/standby mode⊞ Win+++↵ Enter(Windows 7)
Sleep (specific keyboards)
⌥ Opt+⌘ Cmd+EjectSleep (available on some keyboards, configurable in Control Panel → Power Options → Advanced tab dialog box)
Windows task managerCtrl+⇧ Shift+EscCtrl+⌥ Opt+⌘ Cmd+Eject
(no confirmation, shutdown is immediate)
Ctrl+Alt+⇧ Shift+PageDown
(KDE; no confirmation, shutdown is immediate)
Restart computerCtrl|Shift|qq| ⊞ Win+x > ur
Windows 7: ⊞ Win++++↵ Enter
Ctrl+⌘ Cmd+Eject
(no confirmation, restart is immediate)
Ctrl+Alt+⇧ Shift+PageUp
(KDE; no confirmation, restart is immediate)
Place display in sleep modebutton on monitorCtrl+⇧ Shift+Eject
Bring up power/sleep dialog box⊞ Win+Drelease thenAlt+F4Ctrl+Eject


ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOME
Save screenshot of entire screen as file⊞ Win+Print Screen orPrint Screen⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+3Print Screen set the name and click "Save". GNOME Shell
Save screenshot of window as file⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+4 then SpaceAlt+Print Screen set the name and click "Save". [[GNOME]]
Copy screenshot of window to clipboardAlt+Print ScreenCtrl+⇧ Shift+f5+4 thenSpaceAlt+Print Screen click "Copy to Clipboard". [[GNOME]]
Copy screenshot of arbitrary area to clipboardCtrl+⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+4⇧ Shift+Print Screen click "Copy to Clipboard". [[GNOME]]
Save screenshot of arbitrary area as file⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+4⇧ Shift+Print Screen set the name and click "Save".[[GNOME]]
ScreencastingCtrl+⇧ Shift+Alt+R

Text editing[edit]

Many of these commands may be combined with ⇧ Shift to select a region of text.[notes 1]
ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOMEEmacsVim
Delete char to the right of cursorDel or
Fn+← Backspace
Del or
Ctrl or
Fn+← Backspace
Delete word to the right of cursorCtrl+Del⌥ Opt+Del or
⌥ Opt+Fn+← Backspace
(delete space too)
de (keep space)
Delete word to the left of cursorCtrl+← Backspace⌥ Opt+← BackspaceCtrl+← BackspaceCtrl+← Backspace or
Meta+← Backspace
(delete space too)
db (keep space)
Go to start of lineHome or
⌘ Cmd+ or
HomeCtrl+a or
(go to first non-space) or
(go to column 0)
Go to end of lineEnd or
⌘ Cmd+ or
EndCtrl+e or
Go to start of documentCtrl+Home⌘ Cmd+Ctrl+HomeMeta+< or
Go to end of documentCtrl+End⌘ Cmd+Ctrl+EndMeta+> or
Go to previous wordCtrl+ or
+⌥ Opt+Ctrl+Meta+b or
Ctrl+ or
b or
Go to next wordCtrl+⌥ Opt+Ctrl+Meta+f or
Ctrl+ or
w or e
Go to previous line or
Ctrl+p or
 |k or 
k or 
Go to next line or
Ctrl+n or j or 
Go to previous line break (paragraph)Ctrl+⌥ Opt+Ctrl}+
(kword or GNOME)
Meta+( orControl+(
Go to next line breakCtrl+⌥ Opt+Ctrl+
(kword or GNOME)
Meta+} or
Move the cursor down the length of the viewportPage Down⌥ Opt+ or
⌥ Opt+Fn+
Page DownCtrl+v or
Page Down
Ctrl+f or
Page Down
Move the cursor up the length of the viewportPage Up⌥ Opt+ or
⌥ Opt+Fn+
Page UpMeta+v or
Page Up
Ctrl+b or
Page Up
FindCtrl+F⌘ Cmd+F
⌘ Cmd+E
(Search with current selection)
Ctrl+K (GNOME; interactive search)
Go to next search resultF3⌘ Cmd+GCtrl+G (GNOME) or
F3 (KDE)[1]
Go to previous search result⇧ Shift+F3⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+G⇧ Shift+Ctrl+G (GNOME) or
⇧ Shift+F3 (KDE)[1]
Search and replaceCtrl+H⌘ Cmd+FCtrl+H (GNOME) or
Ctrl+R (KDE)
Search with a regular expressionCtrl+Meta+sAll search uses regular expressions.
Search and replace with a regular expressionCtrl+Meta+%

Text formatting[edit]

ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOME[3]EmacsVim
BoldCtrl+B⌘ Cmd+BCtrl+BMeta+o, then b
UnderlineCtrl+U⌘ Cmd+UCtrl+UMeta+o, then u
ItalicCtrl+I⌘ Cmd+ICtrl+IMeta+o, then i
Uppercase / Lowercase⇧ Shift+F3
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+A
⌥ Opt+⌘ Cmd+C⇧ Shift+F3Meta+u for upper,
Meta+l for lower, Meta+cfor capitalized.
gU for upper, gu for lower, ~ to toggle.
SuperscriptCtrl+⇧ Shift+=Ctrl+⌘ Cmd++ (some applications only)Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P[4]
SubscriptCtrl+=Ctrl+⌘ Cmd+- (some applications only)Ctrl+⇧ Shift+B[4]
Selected text larger/smallerCtrl+⇧ Shift+>Ctrl+⇧ Shift+<
⌥ Opt+⇧ Shift+>
⌥ Opt+⇧ Shift+<
Selected text Bullets or Numbered ItemsCtrl+⇧ Shift+L
Insert Linebreak⇧ Shift+↵ EnterAlt+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ Enter

Browsers / Go menu[edit]

ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOME
Go to Address BarAlt+D or Alt+C or F6
depending on language
⌘ Cmd+L or ⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+GCtrl+L or Alt+D or F6
Go to the previous location in history[5]Alt+ or ← Backspace⌘ Cmd+[ or ⌘ Cmd+Alt+
Go to the next location in historyAlt+ or ⇧ Shift+← Backspace (web browser only)⌘ Cmd+] or ⌘ Cmd+Alt+
Go up one level in the navigation hierarchyAlt+ (Vista, 7 or 8 only) or ← Backspace (Windows Explorer)⌘ Cmd+Alt+
Go to the starting page defined by the user or applicationAlt+Home⌘ Cmd+HomeCtrl+Home (KDE) /
Alt+Home (GNOME)

Web browsers[edit]

ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOMEEmacs-w3mVimperator
Bookmarks menuCtrl+B⌘ Cmd+B
URL Shortcuts (Adds www. + .com)↵ Enter⌘ Cmd+↵ Enter (Firefox) or
Ctrl+↵ Enter (Chrome)
Ctrl+↵ Enter
URL Shortcuts (Adds www. + .org)Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+↵ Enter (Firefox)Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↵ Enter
URL Shortcuts (Adds www. + .net)⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ Enter (Firefox)⇧ Shift+↵ Enter
Add bookmark for current pageCtrl+D⌘ Cmd+DCtrl+B /
Add bookmark for current linkMeta+a
Manage bookmarksCtrl+B⌘ Cmd+⌥ Opt+B (Chrome/Safari) or
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+B (Firefox)
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+R /
Focus and select Web search barCtrl+E⌘ Cmd+E (Opera) or
⌘ Cmd+K (Firefox) or
⌥ Opt+⌘ Cmd+F (Safari)
Ctrl+kt (open in a new tab) or
T (open in current tab)
Focus and select address barCtrl+L or
F6 or
⌘ Cmd+LCtrl+L or
Alt+D or
gO to alter URL,
use y to copy it.
Refresh a webpageF5 or
⌘ Cmd+RF5 or
Refresh a webpage ignoring cacheCtrl+F5 or
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+R
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+RCtrl+ShiftF5 or Ctrl+⇧ Shift+RR
Open a new windowCtrl+N⌘ Cmd+N
Zoom Options
(zoom in /
zoom out /
zoom 100%)
Ctrl++ /
Ctrl+- /
⌘ Cmd++ /
⌘ Cmd+- /
⌘ Cmd+0
Ctrl++ /
Ctrl+- /
zi / zo / zz (text only)
or zI / zO / zZ (text and images)

Tab management[edit]

ActionWindowsMac OSKDE / GNOMEEmacs-w3mVimperator
New tabCtrl+T⌘ Cmd+TCtrl+⇧ Shift+N or
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+T or
Ctrl+c, thenCtrl+tt
Close tabCtrl+W⌘ Cmd+WCtrl+W Mozilla Firefox[6] Opera [7] & Chrome [8] & Arora [9] &Epiphany [10] & Midori
Ctrl+F4 Mozilla Firefox [6] & Opera [7] & Chrome [8] & Arora [9]
Close all tabs but the current one⌘ Cmd+⌥ Opt+t(Safari)Ctrl+c, then Meta+w
Go to next tabCtrl+Tab ↹Ctrl+Tab ↹ or
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+(Safari)
Ctrl+PageDown or
Ctrl+Tab ↹ or
Ctrl+c, thenCtrl+ngt
Go to previous tabCtrl+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹⇧ Shift+Ctrl+Tab ↹ or
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+(Safari)
Ctrl+PageUp or
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Tab ↹
Ctrl+c, thenCtrl+pgT
Go to tab-nCtrl+n 
(ChromeFirefoxInternet Explorer)
⌘ Cmd+N(Chrome)Alt+N (ChromeFirefox) or
Ctrl+N (Chrome)
First tab: g0
Last tab: g$
Open a previously closed tabCtrl+⇧ Shift+T⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+T
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+T
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+T(Firefox)[11]u
Open a previously closed windowCtrl+⇧ Shift+N(Firefox)[11]

Window management[edit]

ActionWindowsMac OSKDEGNOMEEmacs
Close all internet tabs⊞ Win+K⌘ Cmd+F11
Force window mode (Application requires functionality for set action)Alt+↵ Enter⌥ Option+Alt+↵ Enter or ⌥ Option+Alt+F or ⌘ Cmd+F or ⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+F
Pop up window menuAlt+SpaceAlt+F3Alt+SpaceMeta+`, then b
Close the focused windowAlt+F4 or Alt+Space then C[notes 2]⌘ Cmd+WAlt+F4Alt+F4Ctrl+x, then k
Close all windows of current application⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+W
Restore the focused window to its previous sizeAlt+Space then R[notes 2]Alt+F3 then XAlt+F5Ctrl+x, then r, then j, then letter of the window state register.
Move the focused windowAlt+Space then M[notes 2] then Arrow Keys and ↵ Enter(to save location)Alt+Mouse /
Alt+F3 then M then Arrow Keys
Alt+Mouse /
Alt+F7 then Arrow Keys
Resize the focused windowAlt+Space then S[notes 2] then Arrow KeysAlt+F3 then S then Arrow KeysAlt+F8 then Arrow KeysCtrl+x, then ^vertically
Hide the focused window⌘ Cmd+HMeta+x, then bury-buffer, then ↵ Enter
Hide all except the focused window⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+H
Lower the focused windowAlt+Esc
Minimize the focused windowAlt+Space then N,[notes 2] or ⊞ Win+ (Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows >=7)⌘ Cmd+MAlt+F3 then NAlt+F9Meta+x, then bury-buffer, then ↵ Enter
Maximize the focused windowAlt+Space then X,[notes 2] or ⊞ Win+ (Windows 7, 8, 10)⌘ Cmd+LAlt+F3 then XAlt+F10Ctrl+x, then 1
Maximize horizontallyAvailable, but no defaultAvailable, but no default
Maximize vertically⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+ (Windows 7 and Windows 8)Available ('Zoom'), but no defaultAvailable, but no defaultAvailable, but no default
Minimize all⊞ Win+M or ⊞ Win+D⌘ Cmd+Alt+MAvailable, but no defaultCtrl+Alt+D
Minimize all non focused windows⊞ Win+Home (Windows 7, 8.1, 10)Available, but no default
Undo minimize all⇧ Shift+⊞ Win+MAvailable, but no defaultCtrl+Alt+D
Switch fullscreen/normal sizeF11⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+FF11F11
Show the window in full screen mode, with no border, menubar, toolbar or statusbarDepends on application, system default:⌘ Cmd+CTRL+FCtrl+⇧ Shift+FCtrl+F11
Rollup/down windowAvailable, but no defaultAlt+F12
Show all open windows⊞ Win+Tab ↹ (Windows 7)F9 or
Move mouse pointer to configured hot corner or active screen corner[13][14]
⊞ Win works per desktop on Gnome 3+Ctrl+x, then Ctrl+b
Show all windows of current applicationF3 or
Move mouse pointer to configured hot corner or active screen corner[13][14]
Ctrl+`Ctrl+x, then Ctrl+b
Show all workspaces⊞ Win+Tab ↹ (only Windows 10)F8 or
Move mouse pointer to configured hot corner or active screen corner[13][14]
⊞ Win then mouse over the desktop bar on the right edge of the screen
Move window to left/right/up/down workspace⊞ Win+/ (Windows 7 and Windows 8)Available, but no defaultCtrl+Alt+⇧ Shift+ /  / 
Move window between multiple monitors⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+/ (Windows 7 and Windows 8)
Move window to workspace nAvailable, but no default
Switch to next/previous workspace listAvailable, but no default
Go to workspace nCtrl+nCtrl+Fn
Go to left/right/up/down workspace[notes 3]Ctrl+ /
Ctrl+ / Ctrl+ / Ctrl+(OS X 10.5 to 10.6), Ctrl+Ctrl+ (OS X 10.7)
Available, but no defaultCtrl+Alt+ /
 /  / 
Quit application of current windowAlt+F4 or Ctrl+F4 varies[notes 4]⌘ Cmd+Q[notes 5]Ctrl+Alt+Escq
Close dialogEsc (Laptop)
⊞ Win++F4 (Desktop)
Open/Focus (preview) pinned program on the taskbar⊞ Win+(#) where "#" is the position of the program on the Windows Taskbar (Windows 7 and Windows 8.1)
Open new program window of pinned program in Quick Launch⊞ Win+(#) where "#" is the position of the program on the Quick Launch toolbar (Windows Vista, 7 and 8.1)⌘ Cmd+A+⇧ Shift
Open new program window of the pinned program on the taskbar (if program is already opened)⊞ Win+⇧ Shift+(#) where "#" is the position of the program on the Windows Taskbar (Windows 7 and Windows 8.1)
Focus the first taskbar entry. Pressing again will cycle through them⊞ Win+T, you can  back and forth. Hold ⇧ Shift to cycle backwards (Windows 7 and Windows 8.1)
Peek at the desktop⊞ Win+Space (Windows 7 only)
Fn+⊞ Win (Windows 8 and later)
F11 or
Move mouse pointer to configured hot corner or active screen corner[13][14]
Bring gadgets to the front of the Z-order and cycle between gadgets⊞ Win+G (Windows Vista,7) or ⊞ Win+Space (Vista only, no cycling)
External display options (mirror, extend desktop, etc.)⊞ Win+P (Windows 7 and Windows 8)

User interface navigation (widgets and controls)[edit]

ActionWindowsMac OSKDEGNOME
Moves keyboard focus to next/previous controlTab ↹ / ⇧ Shift+Tab ↹With full keyboard access active (System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access > All Controls)
Tab ↹ / ⇧ Shift+Tab ↹
Template:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Pop up tooltip for currently focused controlTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Show context-sensitive help for currently focused window or controlTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Give focus to next/previous paneTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Give focus to splitter bar in paned windowTemplate:Key press/core
Give focus to window's menu barTemplate:Key press/core or Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core, then type command name, or
Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core (or Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core on some keyboards - requires full keyboard access active using System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Full Keyboard Access > All Controls))
Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core
Pop up contextual menu for currently selected objects (aka context menu)Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core or Template:Key press/coreVaries with laptop / extended keyboard type; enable Mouse keys in Universal Access, then Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+5 or Template:Key press/core+5 (numeric keypad) or Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+i (laptop)Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core or Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Toggle selected state of focused checkbox, radio button, or toggle buttonTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core
Activate focused button, menu item etc.Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core (also Template:Key press/core for menu items)Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core
Select/move to first/last item in selected widgetTemplate:Key press/core / Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core
Scroll selected view by one page up/left/down/rightTemplate:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core
Template:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core /
Template:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Scroll selected view to top/bottomTemplate:Key press/core or on MacBook Pro Template:Key press/core + Template:Key press/core + Template:Key press/core
Switch focus to the next/previous tab within a windowTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core /
Template:Key press+Template:Key press ->
Switch focus to the next/previous panel on the desktopTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Switch focus to the next/previous panel (without dialog)Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core /

Command line shortcuts[edit]

Below is a list of common keyboard shortcuts that are used in a command line environment.
ActionMicrosoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
(Windows PowerShell)
Unix/Linux/Mac OS X
Unix/Linux/Mac OS X
(POSIX shell)
Scroll through History of typed commandsTemplate:Key press/core/Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core/Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core/Template:Key press/core or Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core/Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core Template:Key press/core / Template:Key press/core Template:Key press/core
Signal end-of-fileTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Abort current command/typingTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Erase word to the leftTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core or Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Erase word to the rightTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Erase line to the leftTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Erase line to the rightTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Yank/paste previously erased stringTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Move one word to the left (backward)Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Move one word to the right (forward)Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Move to beginning of lineTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Move to end of lineTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Reverse search of historyTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Stop execution of the current jobTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Insert the next character typed verbatimTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Autocomplete command/file nameTemplate:Key press/core (enabled by default in Windows XP and later)Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core (usually once)Template:Key press/core (usually twice)
Paste contents of clipboard at cursorTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core then Template:Key press/core then Template:Key press/coreTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Scroll window upTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core (may not work in some versions of Windows XP)Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Scroll window downTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core (may not work in some versions of Windows XP)Template:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core
Clear screenTemplate:Key press/core+Template:Key press/core


  • In Windows, it is possible to disable these shortcuts using the Accessibility or Ease of Access control panel.
  • In GNOME, these shortcuts are possible if Universal Access is enabled.
ActionWindowsMac OSKDEGNOME
Utility ManagerTemplate:Key press
Use keyboard to control cursorTemplate:Key press[15]
Allow user to press shortcuts one key at a timeTemplate:Key press press 5 times***Template:Key press 5 times [16]
Hear beep when -lock key pressedTemplate:Key press hold 5 seconds
Stop/slow repeating characters when key is pressedTemplate:Key press hold 8 seconds***Template:Key press hold for 8 seconds[17]
Inverse (Reverse Colors) ModeTemplate:Key pressTemplate:Key pressTemplate:Key press (if enabled)
Inverse (Reverse Colors) Mode (Only current window)Template:Key press (if enabled)

See also[edit]



External links[edit]

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